My sweet boy Jack turned one month old yesterday. Sigh. Where do the days go? He is growing up so fast. I thought I was sentimental when I was just a Mama of one, but having TWO children makes me that much MORE sentimental. Just the other day – I looked at my daughter and could NOT believe how grown up she looked. It took my breath away for a moment. Looking at Jack, I just can’t express how much joy he brings to our family. It has only been a month and a day and yet – I can’t remember my life without him. Funny how life works and how God’s blessings can make our hearts so full. :)
I thought I would get some things down about Jack every month here on my blog so I wouldn’t forget them and I could use it to scrapbook in the future, too.
At one month you:
- Are just about 8lbs now and 21 inches long
- Still in newborn sized clothing, but just about too big for them now.
- Some nicknames we have for you are: Jackasaurus (because his little cries sounded like a dinosaur), Little J, little buddy and the Jackster
- You HATE hiccups and you get them … A LOT
- You love snuggles – especially your snuggles with your Daddy. You and him are snugglebuddies when he gets home from work. It’s the sweetest thing. You curl up next to him and get as close as you can and sleep so peacefully. You also love to snuggle on his chest.
- You aren’t fond of your bassinet, but you do love our mattress and will fall asleep so much easier on there. So you usually are snuggled with on our bed, fall asleep and THEN you get put in your bassinet.
- You’re a great eater and you are a pretty good sleeper, too.
- You love to lay on your side.
- You suck on your pacifier, but not much – you have a love/hate relationship with it. I do, too since you’re always spitting it out, but wanting it back. ;)
- You’re pretty good in the car. Not too fond of your carseat, but usually you just fall asleep and are a good little passenger.
- Your Papa calls you Jack Ryan. Not Jack, but Jack Ryan. I think that’s sweet. ;)
- You don’t like to have any blankets on OR socks. You are constantly kicking your socks off.
- You didn’t love your first bath, but every bath since then, you’ve liked more and more.
- You look more and more like your Daddy every day.

We love you so much, sweet boy!
On this same note… I’ve got a blog up over at the A Million Little Things blog. It’s for:
Check it out if you get a chance and definitely count your blessings each and every day. Until next time… hugs!
November 18, 2010 at 7:35 pmso sweet. I love that his papa calls him Jack Ryan. It's his special thing with him. Love it. I also think he looks alot like his daddy. I love how good you are at writing down all the details. I wish I did a better job at it. I have a terrible memory so I know all the little things are going to be hard to remember. :(
November 18, 2010 at 8:26 pmso adorable!
November 18, 2010 at 8:46 pmhe is so beautiful!
love your post!
November 18, 2010 at 11:20 pmHe is gorgeous Kristina!
November 19, 2010 at 12:11 amADORABLE! those eyes of surprise… i love them!! he is so cute, kristina!
~kelly marie~
November 19, 2010 at 1:19 amHe is just THE cutest! Oh my goodness! :)
November 19, 2010 at 7:28 amOMG!!!!! I want another one!! I can smell the baby smell!!!!! He looks exactly like his mama!
thanks for sharing….now I gotta go and look at my kids baby pics…where does the time go!!!!
Ellie Knol
November 19, 2010 at 11:32 amBeautiful boy you've got. I hope he will be growing up in good health, and in the shelter of the Love of/for God.
Amy Coose
November 19, 2010 at 1:12 pmOK, I'm pretty sure he couldn't be any cuter! He is just so expressive. Enjoy each and every moment!
November 20, 2010 at 2:13 amHe is sooooo cute! Look at those eyes! Great post!
November 20, 2010 at 3:18 amMy grandbaby Logan is just over a month now! 10-05-10. Such little loves these babies!
lisa truesdell
November 20, 2010 at 5:39 amlovelovelove that shirt! he's adorable.
November 22, 2010 at 1:52 amBeautiful pictures! Your little Jack is just precious.
Enjoy every moment…since mine are grown and gone, I'd give anything to get to do it all over again…sniff sniff…
November 22, 2010 at 11:35 pmI love him.
donna mikasa
November 23, 2010 at 1:40 amOh, Kristina–Jack is so handsome! Just melts my heart and I'll bet he still has the "new baby" smell! LOL! Hope you are well…