Hi there loyal blog readers. Hee hee! :)
Guess what? Something monumental has occurred.
Are you ready to hear what it is?
Ok, brace yourself…
I have actually scrapped Christmas photos from THIS past Christmas!! Can you believe it? Seriously, it’s a miracle. I think last year I was scrapping Christmas photos in like July or something. I do have some more to do, but I thought that I’d share what I have created already with you.
This one is about the Christmas sugar cookies we made. The mess was so HUGE when we were done baking, but it was so worth it. Lots of fun was had. :) Please excuse the horrible scan. This looks so much better in real life. There is a pretty big white border on this layout and the corners are rounded, but you can’t tell here. LOL.This layout is about the new bike that my daughter got from Santa. She just loves it. Can’t you tell? :)
And this layout is about celebrating Christmas at Papa and Nana’s house. I LOVE getting a bunch of pictures on one layout!
I’m impressed with myself. Ha! Not too bad for January 7th.
I’ve been finding lately that I am loving to scrap photos right away. It inspires me and gives me that creative mojo to create something that I love. I guess because the memory is so vivid and it’s so much easier to remember the moment and what I want to capture from that time.
All of these designs are pretty simple, but that’s my true style and I love concentrating on the photos and/or journaling. That’s what I’m all about. :)
I’ve really found my love for scrapbooking again as I created these holiday layouts the past few days. It’s so easy to forget why we scrapbook, but when we really remember WHY we do it, it just makes it all so worth it – kind of like that big mess we made when we baked cookies. ;)
Happy Wednesday! Thanks for stopping by!
January 7, 2009 at 6:01 pmi'm so behind on blogging! look at all that goodness i've missed down there! :) love that overalls page-SO cute!
and these Christmas pages? Fabulous! Seriously, I'm way jealous you scrapped that many photos, so perfectly, and so soon! Love them!
I'm hoping to get a chance to sit down tonight & email you back finally! The time has just gotten away from me! love you friend! :)
January 7, 2009 at 6:55 pmHey girl! I left you some love on my blog. Check it out! Hope all is well!!
;) Kelly
January 7, 2009 at 10:58 pmyea for getting the Christmas pictures scrapped! I think I am still scrapping pictures from march of 2007..lol!
January 8, 2009 at 6:42 pmsuper cute layouts!
January 9, 2009 at 3:36 pmYea! I am so behind on scrapping…I can’t even tell you.
January 10, 2009 at 11:48 amJust hopped by your blog and have to say how much I love your simple design and clean style. Loved looking at your pages:)
Heather M.
January 13, 2009 at 8:18 pmwow, i can’t believe you’ve scrapped christmas photos already! love her new bike!