and I’m loving it! :-D
I used to think that scrapbooking during Caylin’s nap was my most creative time and the best time to scrap, but I’ve come to find out that I’m most creative and get the most done right after dinner when I scrapbook with my daughter. Imagine that! Ha! I guess it’s because we talk, create, laugh, sing to the music that is playing on my computer and just have fun. It’s like having your best friend right there next to while you’re doing something you love. It’s EXACTLY that. ;) My hubby has been out on the deck every night after dinner for a couple of hours since we’re stripping the stain off of our big deck to restain it this Fall. It has been a pain, but it is looking SO nice! He is doing a GREAT job and I’m so thankful for his hard work (love you, Michael!!) I feel guilty being inside in the air conditioning scrapbooking away, but Caylin and I have fun and it’s something we look forward to. :-D
Here are a couple of things I made last night.
This first page is for the Hero Arts blog challenge that they have every week.
I LOVE how that blog inspires me, gets me to thinking and makes me want to pull out my stamps and scrapbook! The challenge was to use a tag(s) on a card, project or layout.

I love Hero Arts stamps and everything else they sell! The company is wonderful and the Hero Arts artists are so talented and creative. Definitely go and check out their Hero Arts blog HERE if you haven’t already. You should definitely take part in the challenge, too!
This layout is just a quick and simple one I whipped up about my daughter’s love of music. :-D It was a definitely a page that needed to go into her scrapbooks. She LOVES music. It’s so weird to hear her singing songs in the backseat of the car as we’re driving down the road. It’s one of my favorite things though. It’s so cute and sweet and makes my heart happy. :-D

Definitely a simple layout, but you know me – simple’s my thang. ;)
Well, that’s all to share for today. My blog is majorly hopping lately with posts from me, isn’t it? I love this little happy space of mine on the world wide web. I’d love for you to say “Hi” if you’ve stopped by!
Have a great Tuesday! God bless!
July 28, 2009 at 1:35 pmHi! Wanted to let you know we're out hear readin' and lovin' your work! Near the top of my list of happy times is when I have the chance to be creative. It's a good thing! As I write this, my two girls are at their art table, playing school, and the soon-to-be first grader is the teacher to the 3-year old! Too cute.
Great job, as always, in expressing your love for your daughter through your pages. Believe me, it's these small moments kids remember. And my 17-year old reminds me of this so often, when he says, "Mom, remember when we…?" And 99% of the time, it's something small like getting an ice cream cone with Superman ice cream on some random day. Or, building a tent with blankets and pillows. So, I'm so glad I'm a scrappin' mommy now so that I can actually have some photos to go with those random acts of happiness that happen right before our eyes!
July 28, 2009 at 3:03 pmHola Cristina , desde Colombia te felicito por que me parece tu trabajo muy lindo (very beautifful).
Son plantillas sencillas pero hermosas porque siempre utilizas papaeles y accesorios hermosos. Nuevamente te felicito. Soy fan tuya asi no lo sepas y saco ideitas para mistrabajos por que soy nueva en esto ,llevo 4 meses
pero espero aprender mucho mas
Olga clemencia
July 28, 2009 at 11:54 pmkristina-i LOVE thse pages! that first one is precious! i love all the little details & the awesome use of the tags & stamps! that second one i saw on 2p's earlier today & think it's so sweet! i love that she loves music so much! :) love you friend!
Janet Carr
July 30, 2009 at 1:04 amBEAUTIFUL as always… friend!!!!!!!!! Your pages always have such a FABULOUS warmth to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just love the way each page tells a story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You sooooooooooooooooooooooooo ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!