did you miss me? ;) Wow. I don’t even know where to begin. My family and I just had one of THE best weekends EVER.God is SO good! He knows what I need and when I need it and He gave me the greatest gift this past weekend. Here’s a recap of what this weekend was about and a little back story, too.
I have this wonderful friend named Nichole.
Her husband, Nate, contacted me at the beginning of this year telling me about how he wanted to surprise her by getting me to come to Ohio for a fun-filled weekend. I thought that was SO sweet and such a cool idea! I knew I couldn’t pass it up! I said, “OF COURSE!” I love surprises of all kinds (this comes from the girl who traveled cross country and moved back to the South without the rest of her family knowing until she showed up at their door). LOL. ;) I did make a few adjustments to the plan though. I’m not a big fan of flying so I asked if I could turn it into a road trip and take my husband, daughter and dog with me! Ha! He didn’t mind one bit and so The Proffitt’s took off for Ohio bright and early Thursday morning.

Maggie in the car ready to head out. Michael was getting us breakfast at Chick-Fil-A before we get going.

Excited about our road trip!

On the road – OHIO here we come!

Time for a nap

Hello Ohio!

Nichole and Nate! Aren’t they cute? ;)

A big antique mall in Amish country that we went to.
I got a couple of beautiful blue Ball jars that I collect for a buck each! We had so much fun walking around and I saw my first real life Amish person in their horse/buggy. Hee hee! I was in awe of the Amish and their lifestyle. Definitely something to admire – I know I couldn’t live that way. I don’t think I have the patience and I need my air conditioning. ;) We spent Saturday morning/afternoon in Amish country.

This was in front of another cute store in Berlin.
We ate at this great Amish restaurant in Amish country and LOTS of goodies were eaten.
Saturday night we had a great get-together/BBQ with Nichole’s family. I just fell in love with her family. They are all so sweet and welcoming. We just fit right in. Her Mom, step-dad Phil, Gramcracker and Grandpa – they were ALL so wonderful, kind and loving. We had good food and lots of laughs!
Caylin made a new best friend. She just LOVES Nate. She spent most of the time playing with him and his cars. He, like Caylin, loves cars and has a big collection. Here’s some proof:
We had such a wonderful time. Words can’t even express how awesome and blessed I felt to finally meet Nichole, Nate and her family. I loved her and her family. So thank you Nate for asking me to be a part of this awesome surprise for Nichole and for not caring if I brought my whole gang along with me, even Maggalicious. I loved having Michael and Caylin there with me and they both just love you guys, too. To my sweet husband – thank you for driving us there and back and for being so wonderful. Some husbands might think it would be a silly thing to do, but you were always supportive and knew how much Nichole’s friendship means to me. You didn’t hesitate at all and in the end you ended up loving them just as much as I do, which is a very cool thing.
The weather was perfect, the ride was good (there and back), the hotel was just fine and although none of us really slept much, it was worth it.
I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
As far as I’m concerned Nichole and I are long-lost sisters. ;)
Some of the things that stand out and I’ll remember are:
The flip flop incident – for those of you wondering – my flip flop broke when I was stepping out of the car and I had to do a little magyvering to it with some scooby doo bandaids in my purse. It was the only pair I brought with me so I had to do something since we were out shopping and I had only one good flip flop! The bandaids actually worked long enough to shop and get back to Nate and Nichole’s house, but I did have to drag my foot a bit here and there! It was the funniest thing when it happened! I about peed my pants in the parking lot! Here’s some photographic proof. :-D
“BANANA CAR” being shout out by Caylin in the car as she’s sleeping! Those who know Caylin knows what banana car is. ;)
Michael and Nate joking back and forth. It was too funny, but when Michael asked what a “buckeye” was and Nate starting to explain it and how it was just a nut that wasn’t really for much Michael replied, “So it’s basically a useless nut?” It was just TOO funny! Nate had lots of great jokes, too!
Seeing Amish people up close and personal. Nichole always wanted a friend who had never seen one before and I was that friend! LOL! I really was amazed by the Amish people. It was all very interesting and I couldn’t help but wonder what they thought of US.
The lovely Evian bottle that I took from the Cheesecake factory. It’s all cleaned off and pretty now. I can’t believe I put that in my purse! Ha!
Gramcracker’s awesome lemon bars. Yum! Nichole – I need that recipe! Is it a family secret or do you think Gramcracker will share it with me????
Shopping for scrapbook supplies at Archiver’s with Nichole. It was so cool to chat about scrapbooking stuff and shop like that IN PERSON. Here’s a photo of us. I look like a big dork in it, but I still love the photo. ;)
Nate’s driving. Let’s just say this – I’m glad I’m still alive. Ha! Totally kidding ya, Nate. All of those Amish buggies though were totally freaking me out! :-D
Meeting Nichole’s sweet family. Her Mom, Leah and step-Dad, Phil, her Gramcracker and Grandpa – all came over to their house to meet us on Saturday. I thought it was just the nicest thing. They are all such wonderful people. It really made me wish that I had grandparents in my life like that growing up and now. Caylin even sang THREE Taylor Swift songs to them and that NEVER happens! :-D
There were so many other wonderful memories made that weekend that I’ll always cherish. It was the best time. Just one more reason I love scrapbooking – it brought Nichole, Nate and the rest of her family into our lives. I thought I was so blessed before, but after this weekend, God blessed me even more. God IS good!
Yes, God is so very, very good.
Miss you guys! Love you! We’ll see you all again soon.
We know where you live. ;)
August 11, 2009 at 4:46 amwow looks like the marathon trip o fun!! That Amish country looks very cool! Ingenious fixing of the flip flop!! I ignored the picture of you cheating on me in Archivers :P.
August 11, 2009 at 12:27 pmGod really is GOOD! I have plans to visit with my bestest girlfriend (since the 8th grade and we are now 45 with birthdays 2 weeks apart in March) in the whole world. Labor Day weekend I'm heading to the Nashville area for some fun time with her and some scrap store haunting! She got me started with scrapping about 1 1/2 years ago…something I said I would never do.
So, so glad you got to meet your long lost sister.
August 11, 2009 at 2:16 pmWhat a cool weekend! So glad you enjoyed being in Ohio. I'm a little biased-but we {heart} Ohio!! :)
Chris and Paige Evans
August 11, 2009 at 4:16 pmLooks like you had a great time! That's so nice of you to take a road trip out to surprise your friend.
August 11, 2009 at 9:31 pmbest post ever!! ;) hehe!
i love, love, love this recap, k! i smiled & laughed the whole way through! thanks for EVERYTHING!
i am so glad that michael enjoyed himself, too! we love you three so much! so blessed, aren't we?!
love you girl & will email you real soon! :)
Janet Carr
August 12, 2009 at 1:52 pmI am sooooooooooooooooo GLAD you had such a wonderful time!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOKS like a FABULOUS trip and GRAND memories!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elizabeth Joy
August 13, 2009 at 1:38 amhow utterly cool is that?!?!?!? i'm so jealous! when are you going to make a road trip up to niagara falls?!?!? you are welcome anytime ;) nichole is a sweetheart, sounds like you had an amazing time together! so cool!
Heather M.
August 13, 2009 at 6:00 pmthat is awesome!!!!!! i'm so glad you had such a great time! so awesome to have friends like that, hey?!