Hi sweet blog readers! Happy Monday to you!
Thank you to everyone who has downloaded the freebie digital word art that I created! I got a sweet e-mail this morning from Kerry who shared with me the awesome cards she created with the word art that I gave away. I wanted to share them with you because I loved them so much and it just made my heart so happy to see them be put to such a great use. The children are going to LOVE receiving her cards! Here are some pictures of her great cards:

I also wanted to mention, speaking of digital files and cards, a cool FREE class that is being held over at JessicaSprague.com called Computer Tricks for Cards.

Well, off to get some things done around the house, but I’ll be back. Lots to share and don’t forget the next round of prizes for the Cards for Kids will be posted soon! LOTS of great prizes to be won so get to creating cards for those sweet children and their families! Keep the prayers going up, too! Hugs! Have a blessed day!
Rhonda Miller
June 14, 2010 at 2:54 pmWow, these are so great. TFS.
June 14, 2010 at 6:14 pmawwww you are too kind! :) Such wonderful digital files to work with!
donna mikasa
June 19, 2010 at 12:48 amthank you, thank you for the freebies! now if i can find some time to create! lovely cards by kerry–so inspiring!