In The Adventures of Henry the Elf

The 2012 Adventures of Henry the Elf: The End

Hi there!

Welcome to the last installment of “The 2012 Adventures of Henry the Elf!” With the holidays I forgot what day it was, so this is a day late, but here you go! Henry’s gone back to the North Pole now, but here’s what he got into the last week he was visiting us.  

December 21st

Henry and his buddy, Mr. Potato Head. :)


  December 22nd

A good reminder from Henry this morning.


December 23rd

Not the best photo of Henry (he was up a bit too high and my iPhone didn’t capture him too well), but he was sitting on the ledge on the very top of my dresser mirror.


December 24th

Thanks for the sweet memories, Henry. :)

He left a note for Caylin and Jack telling them he’d see them next year and that they could hold him before he went back to the North Pole for the year. It was sweet. :)


And there you have it – the 2012 Adventures of Henry the Elf. I can’t wait until next year! I hope you have enjoyed following along! :) Until next year, Henry!