In Lists With Friends

Lists with Friends: 16


I’m trying to get back into the swing of things after taking a bit of a break last week from the blog! I did post here and there, but stayed pretty quiet. :) I even missed last week’s Lists with Friends and so this week is week 16.

I thought today I’d jot down a list of Luke’s favorite toys right now for his baby album. :)

Here it is!

  • Baby Einstein Caterpillar teething ring with fabric books
  • Music table with little mouse
  • The dumptruck with the balls that come out the back
  • The animal puzzle – the puppy is your favorite to chew on
  • Blocks, blocks and more blocks
  • You love to chew, er I mean read, books ;)
  • The turtle from your exersaucer
  • The Little People cow and Sheep. You especially like the sheep because it has a little bit of fur on the top of its head and it tickles you

Thanks for stopping by! I will be back tomorrow with more Project Life® page shares!

Have a great day and if you’re in the line of these strong storms in the US – stay safe! I think we’re in for a rough afternoon!
