6 In Scrapbooking/ Week in the Life/ WITL2016

Week in the Life: Tuesday | Photos + Stories


Day TWO of Week in the Life! I’ve been having a lot of fun seeing my every day through photographs and stories! I didn’t take AS many photos today, but still took a good amount and so I’m happy with that. I also have some other things to stick in this day’s page like the weather forecast, a few pictures of things around our home (what’s in our pantry, etc) and a note from my daughter! Loving it!

Ok, here are the photos + stories from yesterday!


5:58 am | Up at 5:45 again. I’m letting Maggie out before the storms get here.


6:36 am | Watching the news this morning and checking out the storms out and about.


6:42 am | I stepped outside to see what it was looking like around our house. There was some thunder and the sky was getting dark. I just love thunderstorms.


6:55 am | Went upstairs to my office area to get some work done before the kids woke up.


7:30 am | Morning snuggles and giggles with Luke. I’m singing the ABC song super silly and it’s cracking him up.


7:43 am | The routine every morning is after Luke wakes up he gets on the potty and then after he gets to flush, step up on the big stool by himself so I can wash his hands and then he gets to pick the big boy undies he wants to wear for the day.


7:59 am | Making breakfast. Caylin and Jack are still asleep. Luke is having some coconut granola and watching Paw Patrol.


8:12 am | Went to check on Jack. Yep, he’s still sleeping and in a weird way. Luke hit him with a toy under his chin the other day and I noticed the nice bruise he has from it. Bless him.


8:45 am | Jack is awake!


9:40 am | Exercising late, but getting it in. Let’s do this, Upper Fix!


11:20 am | Just got my Essential Rewards order from Young Living! Super excited to be stocked up again on my favorites and try some new things!



12:02 pm | Shot of the pantry. Trying to figure out lunch.


1:39 pm | We go up and down the stairs a lot in a day.


2:48 pm | Math. Today it’s reviewing composite & prime numbers.


4:17 pm | Caylin finished making this card to keep all of her Summer fun activity ideas in. I wondered why she needed to borrow my glitter glue.


4:34 pm | Luke playing peek-a-boo. He is always stripping down to his undies. The boy does not like clothes. I’m surprised he has his undies on still.


5:37 pm | Luke loves this chips. He calls them “sugary” chips. It’s because they have a rosemary seasoning on them.


6:38 pm | Refilling Michael’s vitamins and then I’m going to do mine next. Man, I feel old. ;)


7:59 pm | Jack & Luke were playing together in Jack’s room. Jack was showing Luke how the dino was super evil and he was eating one of his Power Ranger guys.


8:40 pm | Caylin is now filling up her diffuser on her own every night. Her oils of choice tonight are Thieves and Orange.

That’s it for Tuesday, friends! I hope you have a great day!

  • Jess Forster
    May 11, 2016 at 12:29 pm

    Paw patrol is a favourite in our house too! I love that you are up working out at 5:45 am, after a blood sugar check at 1 am!! Way to go, rockstar mama! xo

    • Kristina
      May 11, 2016 at 3:44 pm

      Hey Jess!! Yay for Paw Patrol! ;) Girl, I HAVE to get that workout done early or I won’t do it! Ha! Thank you for the sweet words! XO!

  • Sandra Karls
    May 11, 2016 at 4:28 pm

    How nice! I love thunderstorms too, but we don’t get them here in Iceland… Fingers crossed for a thunderstorm in Boston in September.

  • Nicole M.
    May 11, 2016 at 9:19 pm

    Wow, I am so impressed by how much you get done before I am even dragging myself out of bed for the day! Haha! I am a night owl – stay up till 3am, sure! But get up willingly before 8am? Nope! I wish it was the other way around, I feel like mornings would be so much more productive! Loved your photos from today :)

  • Tracie Claiborne
    May 12, 2016 at 2:16 am

    Loved these!!!!

  • Tracie Claiborne
    May 12, 2016 at 2:16 am

    PS: I’d be happy to pop over and take a pic of you and the kids on the porch if you want me to. :)