In Essential Oils/ Health

10% off Young Living Starter Kits!

Friends, if you’ve been feeling the nudge to try essential oils and been wanting to get your very own beginner’s box of oils then NOW is the perfect time because Young Living put the starter kits with diffuser on sale for 10% off and so the bang for your buck is even MORE amazing!

It’s usually $160, but now you can get the kit for $144 + I’m giving back a $25 credit as well – so that makes your kit only $119. Um, that’s just soooooooo awesome! Young Living doesn’t do sales on their starter kits very often, so I’d jump on this if you think now’s the time for you and your family. The sale is from now through the 18th and so if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask me! 

I post a lot about oils on my Instagram account (you can find me there at kristina.proffitt). I’d love for you to check me out and follow me and I’d love to follow you, too! I’ve been using Young Living oils for over 5 years and cannot say enough good things about them. They are life-changing and yes, that sounds so dramatic, but it’s true friends. They are SO amazing! You need some. All of you Mamas – TREAT YOURSELF. 

You get a diffuser (the Desert Mist is my favorite right now – it has this beautiful candle flicker feature that I’m obsessed with) and 11 super versatile oils + some samples + you get a welcome kit from me and you join my oil community where you will be loved, supported and encouraged all along the way! You will NOT be alone in this, friend. 

What can oils help you with? 

Simply put, EVERYTHING and I’m totally serious. Reach out and we can talk specifically about the things that you’d like to help support with the oils. 

So let me know if you have any questions and if you’re ready to grab your beginner’s box and get going – you can click on my link HERE

You can also read a bit more about our community and see more about the oils + Young Living HERE at our site, Called to Flourish. 

I hope you’ll join me. I’d love to help you + your family take back control of your health and wellness, friends!