In Currently



Listening | to “Paw Patrol” while Luke watches it and I work on updating my blog. ;)

Reading | a couple of different books right now – “The Essential Oil Truth” and “And Now I Choose”

Planning | some fun oil classes for the new year

Obsessing | over MercyMe and Chris Tomlin’s Christmas CDs. Can’t get enough of them.

Looking forward to | lunch so that I can take out my Invisalign trays and eat!

Wanting | it to snow this Christmas

Savoring | some quiet time as I catch up on some of the shows that I have yet to watch. Anyone else watch 90-Day Fiance? Ha!

Working on | getting my studio/office space more organized

Loving | hearing Luke’s hearty belly laugh

Believing | that Jack  might actually keep his room tidy one of these days (yeah right)