In Elle's Studio/ Happiness/ Project Life/ Scrapbooking Elle’s Studio Design Team 2019 Hey friends! Happy New Year!! I’ve got some exciting news to share with you today! Ok, so if you follow me on social media,… Continue Reading →
In Homeschooling/ Kid Stuff/ Osmo/ Review/ Technology Need a last minute gift idea? Osmo is bursting with fun! Ok, friends – so Christmas is right around the corner and your Christmas shopping isn’t exactly done just yet. Well, don’t panic because I’ve… Continue Reading →
In Day in the Life/ DITL2018/ Project Life/ Scrapbooking Day in the Life™| November 2018 Hey friends! Ok, so YES I promise I still do scrapbook friends. Ha! In fact, I just wrapped up my Day in the Life™… Continue Reading →
In Gift Ideas/ Kid Stuff/ Review/ Sago Mini Sago Mini Toy Release: The Perfect Holiday Gifts for Kids If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know that there are only a handful of kid companies that I love,… Continue Reading →
In Elf on the Shelf/ Happiness/ The Adventures of Henry the Elf It’s that time of year again … Ok, Mama friends. I know some of you are cringing right now because it’s about time to get that pesky darn elf out again.… Continue Reading →
In Kid Stuff/ Osmo/ Review/ Technology Osmo Detective Agency Hey friends! Remember last week when I told you that I was going to be back soon with another awesome new Osmo game? Well,… Continue Reading →