In Happiness/ Type 1 Diabetes My heart is full. Thank you to everyone who has donated, bid on auctions, spread the word and prayed for my daughter and our fundraiser, Caylin’s Cure. I… Continue Reading →
In Happiness a-z of me My bestie, Nichole, had this on her blog and I thought it would be fun to play along. It has been awhile since I’ve… Continue Reading →
In Happiness/ Type 1 Diabetes Inspired by My sweet friend, Jill is SO talented and sweet. She made a beautiful card inspired by the print up for auction (in THIS post)… Continue Reading →
In Craftiness/ Happiness/ Inspiration/ Pinspiration Thursday Embroidery I thought I’d start a couple of new things on my blog just to share a bit of inspiration that I find here… Continue Reading →
In Happiness The squishy face When Caylin was a baby she would do this thing we called “squishy face” where she’d scrunch up her nose and squish up her… Continue Reading →
In Caylin/ Caylin's Cure/ Giving Back/ Happiness Last Auction for Caylin’s Cure “Let Him have all of your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about and watching everything that concerns you.” 1 Peter 5:7… Continue Reading →