In Happiness Any Occasion Etsy Shop Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend! Don’t they go by WAY too fast? Sigh. I wanted to post right… Continue Reading →
In Happiness Thirty-One online party update You still have time to do some shopping AND give to Caylin’s Cure. The Thirty-One party I’m hosting online has been extended until Friday,… Continue Reading →
In Happiness Remember Remember what today is really about.Thank you to all of the servicemen and women, past, present and future for the bravery you possess, the… Continue Reading →
In Happiness Jewerly Auction and Caylin’s Cure Update I had a very sweet woman named Lori Anderson contact me a few weeks back. She said she wanted to do something to help… Continue Reading →
In Happiness one of my favorite rooms One of my favorite rooms in our house is Caylin’s room.She has the kind of room that I wish I had when I was… Continue Reading →