In Happiness For Japan With Love My heart breaks for Japan. I am praying for all of those affected by the devastating earthquake and tsunami. I will be participating in… Continue Reading →
In Happiness/ Type 1 Diabetes Is it April yet? I wish it was. March has not been kind to me or my family so we’re ready for April. We’re ready to start fresh… Continue Reading →
In Happiness/ Type 1 Diabetes A bracelet of a different kind… Having only been on the journey that is Type 1 diabetes for a little over a week now, I do know one thing, every… Continue Reading →
In Happiness Crystal’s Spring & Summer 2011 Collection Hi everyone! First and foremost, thank you all for the sweet and encouraging comments you left on the blog post regarding my daughter. They… Continue Reading →
In Happiness/ Type 1 Diabetes Last week Last week on Wednesday, March 2nd, my life changed in an instant.You might be wondering where I have been lately since this blog has… Continue Reading →
In Happiness We Love to Illustrate Have you heard about this super cute blog called, “We Love to Illustrate?” The blog is comprised a group of very talented illustrators who… Continue Reading →