In Happiness Bubbles galore! Hi sweet blog readers! I wanted to share with you some sweet photos of the fantastic prize package that we received for being the… Continue Reading →
In Happiness Lawn Fawn Blog Hop! Hi there!Sorry I’ve been a bit MIA on this here blog. We took a trip to Ohio to visit my best friend and her… Continue Reading →
In Happiness Great card ideas for kids and a share Hi there!I have been meaning to hop on here and share a few things I’ve created recently and also these really cute kids cards… Continue Reading →
In Happiness Hello! Hello! Hi sweet blog readers! I hope you are having a great week! I just wanted to remind you all about Cards for Grace. Check… Continue Reading →
In Happiness It’s July 6th already? Hi there! Where is this month going? Crazy how fast time is flying by and hard to believe I’m already 6 months pregnant! Feeling… Continue Reading →
In Happiness A couple of updates… Hi everyone! First of all, Happy Canada Day to all of my Canadian blog readers! :-D Hope you have a wonderful day! Now onto… Continue Reading →