In Happiness See that font in my blog banner.. do you love it? I know I do and some of you have e-mailed me to inquire about it. Well, if you do love… Continue Reading →
In Happiness Lots to update, layouts and a giveaway! Hi there! Thanks for bearing with me as I go through all of these life changes at once (pregnancy, moving, etc). Thankfully my energy… Continue Reading →
In Happiness Monday already? Hi sweet blog readers! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Unfortunately, we did not. I live in the Nashville, TN area and… Continue Reading →
In Happiness Want to hear some great news? My sweet and very talented friend, Crystal Wilkerson, is releasing her very FIRST paper collection next month! Woo hoo! I’m so proud of her… Continue Reading →
In Happiness Do you know what day it is? It’s One Buck Wednesday!! I seriously look forward to it because Crystal always has such CUTE digital goodies for just a buck! It’s a… Continue Reading →
In Happiness Well hello! Hi there!I’m not sure if anyone stops by anymore since I’m been a major slacker lately and my poor blog fees so neglected. If… Continue Reading →