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    In Inspiration/ Scrapbooking/ Week in the Life/ WITL2019

    Week in the Life™ 2019 Completed Album

    I’m SO happy to be sharing my completed Week in the Life 2019 album with y’all! I’m also pretty happy that I finished it up in pretty good time, despite being swamped and going out of town for a weekend! Love that just by keeping it simple, keeping it repetitive and documenting the stories ahead of time – it really makes the entire process go quickly and smoothly. 

    If you’d like to see a video walk-thru of my album – you can check it out on IG TV on my Instagram account here – @kristina.proffitt

    Here it is!

    I’ve recreated the above photo every year so far and I love how just by looking at our shoes – you can see how we’ve changed in a year. My sweet friend recommended that I put a dog bowl in the photo to signify Marlie’s spot in the family. She’s our new puppy. I thought it was such a great idea and love how it turned out! 

    I love always including a little “WHY” page at the beginning of the album. 

    This quote card from a past Story Kit was perfect for the album. 

    All of these “days of the week” 4×6 cards have empty spaces. Still not sure what (if anything) I will put there and I’m ok with that. I’ve thought about maybe writing down one thing I was grateful for that day. Might do that or might do nothing. Not stressing about it. 

    It’s all about simplicity. Keep the photos, stories and embellishments simple, friends. Just get it down and get it in the album. 

    Handing my sons my phone and telling them to snap a selfie definitely produced some interesting photos. Hahahahaha! So glad I did that though! Silly boys! 

    So glad I got this story down. I’ve been wanting to for a long time and this week was the perfect time. 

    Notice a theme in this album? It’s basically a photo album of Marlie! LOL! Seriously though – she is consuming life a bit now and so of course she’s going to be in a lot of the photos/stories. 

    I might add something to the top of the above page and I might not. I had an extra photo and so I thought I’d adhere it to the back of the journaling page. 

    So glad I kept the frenchie fry paper because it was super cool in my album. I simply cleaned it out (so there wasn’t any traces of the french fries in it anymore), punched holes in it and then adhered a die cut piece from the main kit on top. 

    Throughout the week I snapped some photos of my feet and so I decided to include them all in a 2×2 page protector. I had enough to do 6 on the front and then 6 on the back and then in the white spaces I just included an embellishment. I love how even just looking at the photos of where I stood – they all told a story of that week. 

    I decided to use an old Story Kit envelope, punch some holes in it and place it at the back of my album to hold a sweet note that Jack wrote to me. I didn’t want to mess it up by punching holes in it and so this was the safest way to get it in the album without altering it. I love reusing those plastic envelopes like that! They come in super handy! 

    Finally, I just ended the album by adhering a die cut piece to the back of the album and also a little wooden heart embellishment from Elle’s Studio

    And there ya go. Another Week in the Life down – another album to cherish. Seriously, if you haven’t thought about documenting a week in your life, you totally should. Don’t let it intimidate you. I promise it’s not complicated at all. Just snap some photos, write down some stories you want to tell, and capture the every day in your home + life. You will be thankful that you did. 

    For more information on Week in the Life, check out Ali’s website HERE